When did you learn your ABCs? Easy, right? Just like love… Michael Jackson thought he knew that at 12. Had he forgotten by the time he turned 50? The thing about love is, it’s tricky. Most of us, when we talk about love, have no idea what we mean, or even what we want to mean. Just last Sunday, our…
Tag: Relationship
Extravagant Love
It’s the middle of the night. I’m wide awake–can’t go back to sleep. I try counting sheep, but my mind is too busy for that. I start to notice the individuality of each big woolly creature as it jumps over the fence, and I wonder which one fathered Mary’s little lamb. Not a fruitful (or sleep-inducing) line of thought. Then…
It’s All About God
If working at it is not the way to become the “living expression of God’s kindness,” then what is? Check out this parable of the Vine (by Bill McCracken and Toni Proudfoot), where we are branches grafted into Christ — the Vine: Only one thing is necessary,” said the Vine, “abide in Me. Let Me be your peace and joy.…
Artificial Fruit is NOT "Yummy in the Tummy"
Last year — 2006 — was my self-designated Year of Kindness: the 12 months during which I would make a sho’nuff, all-out effort to be kind. Not just to “be nice” to my family and friends (although God knows that can be hard sometimes), but to everybody I met. So how did I do? Well, I discovered two things. Here’s…